October 2020
Friends of the Towans Covid-19 guidelines
Government advice is that groups of no more than six people may meet outside to carry out an activity.
The key principle is to maintain social distancing – at least two metres, but ideally even more if possible.
Until further notice, the following measures apply to all Friends of the Towans events:
- Volunteers must contact Ranger in advance to ensure correct numbers and to ensure sign-in is adequate for any possible future test and trace requirement
- Volunteers must confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, they have not been in contact with anyone with Covid symptoms for the last 14 days
- Volunteers must arrive in separate vehicles (unless part of a ‘bubble’)
- Volunteers must avoid the usual bunching-up at the start, as well as at coffee and lunch breaks
- Volunteers must bring their own gloves each time, labelled with their name, and not allow others to borrow – new gloves will be available if needed
- Volunteers must select a tool for their sole use for the duration of the task. These will be cleaned afterwards by the leader
- Volunteers must bring their own food and drink
- Volunteers must work side by side, or back to back, avoid working face to face, and remember social distancing of minimum two metres apart
- Hand sanitiser will be available and must be used before lunch and tea breaks
- First Aid requirements must include disposable gloves, face mask, hand sanitiser
If any volunteer shows symptoms of Covid-19 soon after the task, they MUST contact the leader to enable test and trace to occur.