Please remember to book on to events with me or other leaders listed below. This is to ensure we comply with our insurance-related maximum of 15 people, plus it helps us organise enough tools, work, parking provision and biscuits!
If you have to cancel, please let us know as there’s often a waiting list. This is becoming increasingly the case as we grow and develop and attract more people.
I’m just listing briefly what the event is and where, making it even more necessary for you to contact the leader for those critical last location details!
Contact me at or 07854 123877.
14th – 10am-3pm Dunes Recording Group, Gwithian Green/St Gothian. Practising vegetation monitoring (am) and bird surveying (pm). Meet at Gwithian Chapel
15th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Godrevy Warren. Meet at the gate in SE corner
17th – 10am-12.30pm Art Club Outdoor drawing, Mexico Towans. Book:
20th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Upton Towans, with Wave Rangers
21st – 10am-3pm Dunes Recording Group, Gwithian Green/St Gothian. Reinforcing recent skills, but also focusing on tree & shrub identification. Meet Gwithian Chapel
22th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Godrevy Warren. Meet in the gate in SE corner
23th – 6pm-8pm Art Club, St Gothian LNR for autumn equinox sunset. Book:
24th – Dance Workshop with Charlotte Luke ‘Moves in the Dunes’ at Upton Towans. Contact
27th – 10am-2pm Various practical jobs on Gwithian Green LNR with Wave Rangers youngsters – invasives removal, willow coppicing, mattocking etc
28th – 10am-3pm – Dunes Recording Group, Gwithian Green/St Gothian. Reinforcing recent skills. Meet at Gwithian Chapel
29th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Godrevy Warren. Meet at the gate in SE corner
29th – 2pm-7pm Heartlands Cafe – Red River public consultation event. Come along and contribute your views and ideas to this plan to explore access and conservation opportunities in the Red River catchment. Update presentations at 2.30pm and 6.30pm
4th – 10am-2pm –Scrub bash, Godrevy Warren. Meet in the gate in SE corner. We’ll be working again with Wave Rangers, sharing with them the Wonders of the Warren
5th – 10am-3pm – Dunes Recording Group – details to be confirmed
6th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Upton Towans
11th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Upton Towans, with Wave Rangers again
13th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Upton Towans
18th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Upton Towans, with Wave Rangers again
19th –10am-3pm Dunes Recording Group, vegetation surveys on Mexico Towans
20th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Mexico Towans
25th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Godrevy Warren
27th – 10am-2pm Scrub bash, Godrevy Warren
29th – 12.30pm-5pm Art Club, to take part in the Big Dune Draw and celebrate this year’s Art Club work, with an exhibition of work. Outside for drawing from 1pm-3pm, back for 3.30pm for a Cornish cream tea! This will not be limited to 15 people, so come along. Book:
In addition, from Andy Nelson at Dynamic Dunescapes:
If you want to get creative with your camera, filmmaker Lawrence Eagling will be running a series of short photography workshops in late September/early October. Contact